In a world of instant updates and daily stock market news, investors often fixate on chasing short-term returns or “beating the market.” This leads to dependency on trailing returns to determine “how well” an investment is performing.
But for investors with long-term goals, their focus should be, “Will I achieve my long-term goal on time?” Because of this, advisors should use rolling returns rather than trailing returns when choosing or evaluating investments and managers.
1099 Main Avenue | Suite 206 | Durango, CO 81301 | 970.382.8901
Swan Global Investments is an SEC-registered investment advisor providing asset management services utilizing the Swan Defined Risk Strategy, allowing our clients to grow wealth while protecting capital. Please note that registration of the Advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Swan Global Investments, LLC is affiliated with Swan Capital Management, LLC., Swan Global Management, LLC., and Swan Wealth Advisors, LLC. Prior performance is not a guarantee of future results and there can be no assurance, and investors should not assume, that future performance will be comparable to past performance. Disclosure notice and privacy policy.
©2022, Swan Global Investments (“Swan”, "SWAN"), Investing Redefined®